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Does breast milk spoil after breastfeeding stops? This is a very common question that many mothers ask, especially if their breastfeeding schedule has stopped for any reason and she has not been able to breastfeed for a period. You must realize that breast milk does not spoil after stopping breastfeeding, because of the following:
Milk is not a stagnant product in your body, breast milk is a living organism, unlike the pasteurized cow’s milk we buy in the store.
The live ingredients in breast milk are constantly changing based on your baby’s needs, and these dynamic properties protect your breast milk, as well as improving the health of the infant you’re fed with.
The good bacteria in breast milk eliminate the bad bacteria inside the breast.
In the beginning, the process takes a long time to help your baby re-learning to breastfeed. It may take several weeks to build up a supply of milk, just be patient.
If one method does not work, try other movements and positions, if your child does not breastfeed while you are sitting, for example, try to breastfeed him while lying down or walking, until you reach a position that comforts your baby.
You need to breastfeed your child at least eight times in 24 hours, and if you can breastfeed him more, the better.
With babies, things rarely go in a straight line, one day you will find that he sucks a lot of milk from the breast, then the next day he feels upset at the breast and asks to return to the bottle, this is normal behavior for the child, so do not You compare one day to another, just keep going until you notice progress.
It contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, a high amount of dietary fiber that helps you feel full for a long time, and starchy compounds called “beta-glucan” that increase the concentration of the milk hormone. Oats are prepared by boiling in water or milk
Raw, unsalted nuts are a milk-stimulating food, in addition to containing proteins, healthy unsaturated oils and omega-3s that are beneficial for the development of the child’s brain and nervous system. So, eat a handful of different nuts as a simple snack during the day, especially almonds and walnuts.
An important source of plant estrogen, which leads to an increase in breast milk and helps the lactation process, and is a good source of calcium, iron, and vitamins A and K. Among these vegetables: spinach, watercress, dill, chard, green cabbage, parsley, lettuce, and broccoli.
Apricots contain the amino acid “tryptophan”, which makes it the most fruity type of fruit that stimulates the body to produce prolactin, and increases the amount of breast milk. In addition to dates, natural fruits, and dried fruits in general, because they help to generate milk.
Carrots contain phytoestrogens, as well as beta-carotene and vitamin A, which are elements that the mother needs during the breastfeeding period. Therefore, carrots are very useful vegetables for a nursing mother, especially carrot juice, which improves her milk production. Potatoes and beets also contain high levels of iron, which are very important for your child
You must eat enough protein, which is found in poultry, milk and its derivatives, eggs, liver, and all kinds of meat, which helps and stimulates milk production in the mother’s breast. In addition to seafood, especially salmon, because it contains essential fatty acids and omega 3, which help produce the hormones necessary for the secretion of milk.
Herbs are among the best diuretics of milk and are recommended for a nursing mother who wants to increase the amount of her milk, including cumin, caraway, anise, basil, fenugreek, mint, fennel, barley, turmeric, and chamomile.
Legumes such as yellow lentils and chickpeas contain beneficial fibers for the mother and child, which leads to an increase in breast milk. In addition, chickpeas also increase milk production and generation, because it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which stimulates the production of the prolactin hormone. Therefore, it is one of the ideal foods to increase the production of breast milk. But keep an eye on your baby’s symptoms, as some babies get gas from the legumes that a breastfeeding mother eats.
The most milk-producing thing is bread yeast, as it contains many vitamins and minerals that are useful for nursing mothers, as it helps increase energy and generate more breast milk.
You should drink 8 glasses of water a day to increase milk production and keep your body from dehydrating.
You should drink juice, especially without sugar, as it gives you energy and increases your immunity.
To get calcium and avoid gaining weight if you are afraid to gain it, otherwise whole and half-fat milk are also useful.
If you are afraid of gaining weight from ground fenugreek, you can eat a cup of gravel fenugreek without additives.
Anise and chamomile: Do not give your newborn baby herbal breast feeding but eat it and he will get the benefit with you. Eat a cup of it and avoid mint and sage completely because they have an adverse effect on the secretion of breast milk.
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