Does drinking milk help in losing weight? With the spread of weight gain problems among people around the world, different types of diets designed to lose weight began to appear. As a person who wants to lose excess weight, it is important for you to look for a moderate diet that suits your body and its requirements without deprivation, so it is necessary to be careful to include elements of high nutritional value in your diet, the most important of which is milk.
Although drinking and consuming milk has been associated with weight gain in the past, recent studies have shown that drinking skimmed milk gives a feeling of satiety and fullness of the stomach, which reduces a person’s need for food, and thus helps to lose weight within a record time, and that people who eat milk continuously Less likely to be obese than others, including children, as it contains a small amount of fat, unlike whole milk, and it is recommended to eat one cup per day in the early morning or immediately before bedtime instead of dinner, and a cup of milk can be replaced with yogurt Fat-free, to achieve the same results.
How does milk help in losing weight?
Milk is one of the rich sources of calcium that helps in metabolism and burning fat, and calcium in milk stops the production of the hormone responsible for increasing the size of fat cells in the body, In a recent study, it was found that the weight of people who drank three cups of milk was about seven kilograms less than those who did not drink it.
Milk reduces the individual’s feeling of hunger because it contains one of the hormones that help in the process of fighting the feeling of hunger in the individual, and giving the body a feeling of satiety without obtaining high calories, and thus reducing food consumption at the meal by about 150 calories.
Milk is a food rich in protein, whose importance lies in promoting metabolism, increasing the feeling of satiety, and reducing belly fat, in addition to its role in lowering blood pressure.
Milk is a low-calorie beverage.
The milk-fortified diet has a role in incorporating more good habits into the individual’s daily regimen which makes him or her lose weight slowly.
The body’s acquisition of 500 mg of conjugated linoleic acid found in milk burns fat and grease.
Other beneficial factors for drinking milk indirectly contribute to weight loss
Improve sleep quality:
Drinking milk before bed helps significantly improve the quality of your sleep, as it contains active “tryptophan” and “peptides”, which are compounds that positively affect the sleep pattern, and help to relax and fall into a deep sleep of up to eight hours a day.
Increasing the rate of energy in the body:
If you feel lethargic and lack energy in the morning, consuming a glass of warm milk before bed greatly affects your next day, because it provides the body with the calories and nutrients it needs, which helps boost energy and wake up actively.
Improving digestion:
Milk is associated with enhancing the performance of the digestive system, and the mixture of warm milk and honey helps regulate bowel movement and excretion, and the growth of beneficial bacteria, which enhances the performance of the digestive system in general.
Milk contains probiotics, which are healthy bacteria naturally present in people’s digestive tracts, which can improve digestive function and help treat constipation problems.
Stress relief:
Eating warm drinks in general before bed helps reduce stress, and milk in particular is one of the beverages that have an antidote to them, as it contains the “lactium” protein that calms the body by lowering blood pressure, relaxing muscles, and lowering cortisol levels.
Lactium may affect receptors in the brain to help control stress and anxiety.
Immunity booster:
A healthy diet helps to boost immunity and protect the body from diseases. A glass of warm milk daily may protect against frequent colds, and to get double benefits from it, add a little turmeric to it, as its antioxidant properties speed up the healing process and prevent diseases.
So, if you are thinking of starting a healthy diet to get rid of excess weight without deprivation and in healthy ways that are not harmful to your health and do not cause you to lack nutrients, make sure that milk and its derivatives are part of this diet.
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