Drinking milk increases your child’s intelligence, The early periods of a child’s life are the cornerstone of all his features in old age, so giving your child attention from the beginning supports these features for him, and perhaps the most important is the issue of mental awareness and the level of intelligence in the child, which is one of the things that can be enhanced from an early age and there are several ways to enhance intelligence In children, for example, eating fatty acids containing omega-3 helps with this. In addition, it was found that children who go to kindergarten regularly and stay there even legally allowed, have higher IQ than those who do not go to kindergarten regularly.
In general, the level of intelligence in a child is determined by the genetic traits acquired in the fetus, but each person can influence the amount of use of his intelligence abilities. Parents can help in this case
That is, parents can develop the child’s intelligence level by resorting to several means, namely.
Language: It is the key to intelligence, because we can create our perceptions through language and allow us to think about complex contents, express our thoughts and understand the world more easily.
Children’s early contact with their peers: Being with their peers enhances the cognitive process of children, as they can share their interests while playing and experience them together.
Praise: One factor that does not directly affect intelligence but helps learning is the issue of praise for children. Because the child should motivate or reward whatever effort he puts in.
Drinking milk to enhance children’s intelligence
Milk is useful for brain development, according to a scientific study conducted in Brazil, and scientists confirm that the fatty acids in milk, whether it is breast milk or powdered milk for infants, are responsible for this positive development. These acids play an important role in brain development
Many researchers have also found that there is a correlation between drinking milk and cognitive development. Researchers concluded from one study in which 17,000 newborns were followed from birth until they reached the age of 21 that IQ scores and the results of other intelligence tests were higher in those who were breastfed well, whether powdered infant formula or breast milk exclusively, prolonged and exclusive. Clearly, from cognitive development.
Another study indicated that those who were fed milk scored significantly higher on the vocabulary test when they were tested at the age of 5. Their rates were directly proportional to the period during which they were fed milk, compared to their peers who did not receive it.
It is reported that children who were born prematurely and with very low weights and were breast-fed by their mothers shortly after birth improved their mental development rates when they were tested at the age of 18 months, compared to their peers who were not breastfed. Experts pointed out that the reason for these mental powers may be behind the bond between the mother and the child that results from breastfeeding.
In the event that the mother is unable to breastfeed her child, infant formula is the only substitute for breast milk for children under 12 months of age.
It was recently discovered that the benefits of drinking milk for a child affect his scores on tests later in school, and country tests in reading and arithmetic, as drinking milk has been shown to help make children smarter.
Acids found in milk but not available in milk alternatives may have a role in promoting brain development, and thus it was shown that drinking milk could be associated with higher intelligence index (IQ), improved performance on tests, and better assessment of the child’s performance in class and achievements. In high school.
According to studies, children who were fed either breast milk or powdered milk for less than four months scored slightly higher results between the ages of eight to 14 average tests, and the differences increased the longer the breastfeeding period,
The American Paediatric Association urged mothers to extend the breastfeeding period and drink infant formula for at least one year instead of six months.
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