Information about infant formula, Formula milk , or what is known as formula feeding, is man-made milk intended for children, and can be used in addition to or as a substitute for breast-feeding; It will allow the infant to receive all the necessary nutrients.
As artificial feeding is completely safe, and all that the mother has to do is pay attention every time she prepares a bottle of milk for her child by following the instructions attached to the package in order to prepare milk identical to mother’s milk. And vitamins that are impossible to prepare at home, and therefore in the case that the mother is unable to breastfeed her child; She should only use commercially prepared formula and not attempt to make it herself.
The benefits of formula milk in general for parents
Some mothers resort to artificial feeding due to medical reasons that hinder the process of breastfeeding, and others may resort to artificial feeding because of the difficulty or discomfort they face during breastfeeding, and these are all benefits attributed to formula milk
– The ease where either parent (or caregiver) can breastfeed the child at any time using the milk bottle, allowing the mother to share the duties of feeding the child with the father, and this reduces the burden on her and enhances family bonding.
– Flexibility Artificial feeding is more flexible than breastfeeding. The mother will not need a special area to breastfeed her child in public places, as is the case with breastfeeding. Also, once a bottle of milk is prepared by the mother, she can leave the child with her partner or caregiver without worrying about his food. The mother does not need to express milk from the breast or schedule work or obligations and activities in proportion to the schedule of feeding the child.
– Allowing fathers to spend more time caring for their children It is important that the father spend enough time with his child, as this strengthens family ties. when using formula feeding; As the father spends more time caring for his child, which improves the relationship between them.
– The health status of the mother does not affect her child if formula milk is used. If the mother becomes ill after childbirth or faces health problems that may prevent her from breastfeeding, she can use formula to feed her child.
– Sometimes the amount of mother’s milk is small, which causes her to worry that the quantity is not enough to satisfy her child. In this case, the mother resorts to formula milk as an aid to breastfeeding to ensure that the child receives the amount of milk that he needs for growth and development, but it is indicated that the child’s cessation of breastfeeding through The breast for a period of time will reduce the amount of milk excreted in the mother.
– Ease of setting a schedule for the baby’s feeding times, as formula milk takes longer to digest than natural milk, and thus the baby needs fewer meals or bottles of milk, especially during the first months of the baby’s life.
For more information about infant formula, you can visit our website.