Milk for a balanced diet, One of the most important steps to improve your lifestyle today and obtain a healthy body and strong structure, in addition to sound mental health, lies in following an integrated health system.
And any healthy system begins with a balanced diet, which is the food that provides the body with the nutrients necessary to carry out its functions properly. In order to achieve a balanced diet, it is necessary to diversify the food intake to include the main food groups and in specific quantities. In addition to the importance of eating foods from the five food groups, it is also necessary to diversify the foods eaten within each food group.
Eating a balanced and varied food not only enhances the health of the body and reduces the risk of disease, but also provides the body with the energy it needs to achieve energy balance, and this happens if the calories that the body gains from the food and drink it eats are equal to the calories that the body needs and burns to perform its functions. Internal tasks such as breathing, pumping blood and thinking, and daily tasks such as walking, movement and others. If the calories gained from food (the energy stored in food) equals the body’s need for calories or energy, then the weight remains within the normal limit. If the body consumes more calories than it needs, the extra calories will be stored in the form of fat and end up with weight gain.
The main food groups are the basis on which we must choose the foods we eat to achieve nutritional balance. They provide the body with necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and contain a small amount of unnecessary fats (saturated and trans fats) and sugars. For the food to be balanced, it must be varied, including all food groups and different foods from each group.
The main food groups include:
Proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, seeds and nuts, legumes)
Grains and starches.
Milk and its derivatives or dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese and preferably low-fat products).
The role of milk and its derivatives in forming a healthy and balanced diet:
Dairy products or milk and its derivatives are a main source rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for the health of bones and teeth, in addition to their role in protecting the skin, nails and hair from damage with age.
It also provides the body with good fats, so it is preferable to choose low-fat or fat-free products.
Adults over the age of 18 are advised to make sure to consume three or four servings of milk and its derivatives on a daily basis for a balanced diet that is beneficial for body functions.
In the event that you suffer from the inability to include milk and its derivatives in your diet, follow the following tips:
Eat small amounts of full-fat cheese, low-fat milk and yogurt, or skimmed milk and yogurt.
Choose powdered milk as an alternative to cow’s milk, as it is fortified with calcium and other nutrients and tastes better and is lighter on the stomach.
Eat milk as part of your breakfast by adding it to your breakfast cereal.
Use a small amount of cheese with salad or steamed vegetables.
Consume different dairy products fortified with calcium.
If you are lactose intolerant, choose dairy products with little or no lactose content, or eat calcium-fortified soy products.
In conclusion, we advise you to take other measures in addition to improving your diet in order to obtain better health, such as:
Sports and physical activity
According to the World Health Organization, physical activity is defined as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure”. This means just by doing any activity for 30 minutes – 5 times a week, you can reduce your health risks (ie type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and stress). These activities can range from using the stairs in your daily life to going to the gym.
Sleep pattern nature
Studies show that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep in order to control obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and mood problems. Limit caffeine consumption to 300-400 mg/day, which is the equivalent of 3-4 cups. It is best to consume caffeine during the morning hours.
For more information about Milk for a balanced diet, you can visit our website.