Milk for a nursing mother between benefit and allergy, During pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman becomes more aware and interested in what she eats, because what she eats does not affect her only, but affects the fetus that grows inside her, and the health of her child later, and one of the foods that a pregnant woman is most interested in adding to her diet during this period between Pregnancy and breastfeeding is milk, because of its benefits for the health of both the mother and the child. Milk contains the nine essential amino acids that the body needs for growth.
During the breastfeeding period, the mother gives her child all the useful and important substances for his health and development. And, of course, every mother wants the child to receive with milk the best vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Therefore, the mother at the time of feeding the baby should take care to eat the foods that are most beneficial for the baby.
One of the most important foods that the mothers are advised to eat to increase the value of her milk for her child and its quantity, according to scientific studies, is milk and its derivatives, as it must be taken 3 servings daily, because it contains natural materials, vitamins and minerals that stimulate the production of milk in the mother.
And milk also contains proteins in its composition, as well as carbohydrates in the form of lactose and many important minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and manganese.
What is the best milk for a nursing mother?
The mother’s diet during breastfeeding, should contain milk and its derivatives on a daily basis, in order to satisfy the mother and child’s need of calcium, protein and vitamin D.
As for the best type of milk that a nursing mother should consume, it is all forms of milk and its derivatives, as long as the child does not suffer from any problems or unwanted reactions because of that.
If there are weak reactions from the child, you can get rid of whole cow’s milk, replace it with powdered milk or use cottage cheese, kefir, or prepare pancakes or an omelette with milk.
As the amount of milk in these products does not cause the development of unwanted reactions in the newborn.
The least preferred type is condensed milk, because it contains a lot of saturated fat, which is harmful to the mother’s body, and can lead to increased fat formation. This is an extremely undesirable effect for a woman so it is allowed to take condensed milk in a moderate amount for a nursing mother, but it is useless.
Child’s allergy to protein
A small percentage of children suffer from an allergy to a specific protein found in cow’s milk, which can be passed with breast milk from the nursing mother to the child as a result of drinking milk for the nursing mother, so the child may suffer from an allergy when the mother consumes cow’s milk or its derivatives,
A mother whose child shows symptoms of allergy and suspects that the milk she is drinking is the reason should stop eating milk and milk products for a short period.
Some mothers may wonder whether drinking milk for breastfeeding causes gases for the child? The answer to this question is yes. Various symptoms can appear that indicate that the child is allergic to the milk that his mother drinks. Gas in the child is one of those symptoms. Other symptoms that the child may suffer from include the following:
Repeated vomiting of the child.
Colic in a child or a lot of gas.
Stools that contain mucus or blood.
hard stools
Skin rash and swelling.
It is important to note that such cases of children’s milk allergy are often for limited periods and therefore the mother can reintroduce it step by step within a few months. Many children outgrow their milk allergy after 6-18 months, and most outgrow it completely by 3 years of age.
Milk is returned to the nursing mother’s diet by drinking a small amount of milk and if there is no reaction in the child after two days, you can move to more frequent use of milk. In the future it is recommended to drink breast milk to a nursing mother with the gradual introduction of whole milk.
For more information about Milk for a nursing mother, you can visit our website.