Milk for a pregnant woman… its importance and benefits for the mother and fetus
During pregnancy, a woman pays extra attention to her health in order to preserve the health of her fetus at the same time. Therefore, she resorts to following a healthy lifestyle, choosing good health options, and periodically reviewing the doctor; The pregnant woman should visit the doctor once every four weeks during pregnancy, in order to check on the health status of the pregnant woman and the fetus, conduct clinical examinations, and request laboratory tests necessary for pregnancy.
During pregnancy, a woman becomes more aware and interested in what she eats, because what she eats not only affects her, but also affects the fetus that grows inside her, and one of the foods that a pregnant woman is most interested in adding to her diet during pregnancy is milk,
Because of its benefits for the health of the mother and the child, milk contains the nine essential amino acids that the body needs for growth.
The nutritional value of milk for both the pregnant woman and the fetus
It is known that the pregnant woman and the fetus need additional amounts of nutritional factors, so the benefits of milk for the pregnant woman and her fetus are due to the fact that it contains useful minerals such as: calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium, and important and necessary vitamins for the stage of pregnancy, such as vitamin A, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, vitamin D, as well as containing some other elements such as: thiamine, folic acid, proteins, pantoic acid, carbohydrates, sugars, and a high percentage of water.
How much milk should a pregnant woman consume?
A pregnant woman needs about 1,000 milligrams of calcium, and about 400 milligrams of vitamin D per day, so she needs to drink about three cups of milk a day, and one of the cups of milk can be replaced with a cup of yogurt,
The pregnant woman should also get calcium from other sources in addition to dairy sources, such as oranges, fruits and vegetables.
You can also drink whole or skimmed milk, or drink cow’s milk or powdered milk, but a pregnant woman should completely stay away from unpasteurized milk, because it may contain types of bacteria that may cause her many diseases in pregnancy.
Benefits of drinking milk for pregnant women
Confronting diabetes in pregnant women.
A pregnant woman must drink sterile milk for fear of the health of the fetus, who will benefit from the milk, and the pregnant woman must also drink milk fortified with iron to be a complete food.
One of the benefits of milk for the pregnant woman and her fetus, provides them with the calcium necessary for them during pregnancy to maintain their bones and promote their health and joint health, and it also has a major role in protecting the mother from osteoporosis
One of the benefits of milk for the pregnant woman and her fetus is also to help the pregnant woman to relax, which is also beneficial for the fetus because feelings of fear and anxiety are reflected on the fetus inside the womb, and affect childbirth.
Reducing and combating constipation is one of the benefits of milk for the pregnant woman and her fetus, because it helps soften the intestines.
Benefits of drinking milk for the fetus
Nurturing a child’s brain and development as he grows up
The growth of the bones of the fetus is normal, and this needs an amount of calcium that must be provided daily from milk.
Milk provides protein to the fetus; This increases blood flow to the fetus. It provides vitamin D to the fetus, and this is what protects it from rickets before and after birth.
The fetus grows normally and faster. It helps to replace the protein lost due to the growth of the muscles of the pregnant woman.
Increasing the length of the fetus in the future, especially after birth; Where studies have proven that drinking milk for a pregnant woman constantly helps to have a child in the future of an appropriate length.
One of the benefits of milk for the pregnant woman and her fetus is to promote the growth of the fetus and help it to have a healthy growth, because it contains calcium and iron.
Milk contains vitamin B complexes, as well as folic acid, which protects against neurological and congenital malformations.
One of the benefits of milk for the pregnant woman and her fetus is that it helps to stimulate blood circulation and support the fetus with the oxygen needed for it in the womb.