The importance of milk for children for better health and growth, Since the birth of the child, milk becomes his main and daily meal, and milk remains present in the child’s diet throughout his growth period and even after puberty, for many reasons, as milk is one of the main food sources that mothers rely on to nourish the child, and many studies have been conducted on the benefits of milk for children ,
The childhood period is one of the most important stages in which a person builds his body better, during this period the child is fully prepared to receive those nutrients that contribute to building the various cells and tissues in the human body. Which helps in building the body and its cells better.
The most important benefits of milk for children
Increasing the consumption of milk butter reduces the risk of obesity in preschool children. Moreover, milk contains a group of components that contribute to reducing weight and limiting its increase, such as: proteins; Which helps to enhance the feeling of fullness over a long period of time, and conjugated linoleic acid.
Milk promotes growth, as the study was conducted on a group of children at the age of two and a half years, and it also causes an increase in the concentration of one of the hormones important for the growth process and an increase in its levels in the blood serum, the hormone insulin-like growth factor.
Milk and its products offer many health benefits for the bones, especially in the stages of childhood and adolescence, as the process of building bones takes place during these periods, and the increased consumption of milk fortified with calcium increases the thickness of the two layers of cortical bone, namely; The lining surface of the inner layer of bone, and the layer lining its outer surface, which is known as the periosteum
Milk contains a high percentage of calcium, which is one of the essential elements that contribute to building better bone cells and tissues, as it helps maintain and strengthen bone health.
Milk also helps maintain dental health, so consuming milk at a regular rate contributes to maintaining the strength of teeth and reducing various caries problems.
Among the benefits of milk for children is that it contains a high percentage of vitamin D, which is one of the most important vitamins that are invaded by the body, as this vitamin helps maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels in the body.
In addition to the benefits of milk for children, it contributes to reducing anemia problems, because milk contains a high percentage of iron, which is one of the essential elements that help reduce blood problems and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Drinking milk in childhood has an effective role in building the body’s muscles in a strong and healthy way, as milk contains a high percentage of proteins necessary for the human body, and therefore many doctors recommend eating milk at a regular rate during childhood.
What is the appropriate amount of milk that the child should consume in an orderly manner?
After knowing the benefits of milk for children, it comes to mind about the correct or necessary amount that the child needs in order to obtain the full nutritional values of milk.
In general, the amount (or cups) of milk that your child should drink per day depends mainly on certain factors that are related to:
Age, height, and whether or not he is lactose intolerant.
After discussing these factors, here is some basic information about the appropriate amounts of milk for children according to age groups
Ages 1 to 2:
When your baby turns one year old, you can finally include cow’s milk in his diet plan.
Children in the age group of 1 and 2 years need a diet rich in fats for healthy brain development. At this age, we can make a child drink 32 ounces, or 4 cups of milk, a day.
Ages from 2 to 8 years old:
Children in the age group 2 to 3 years should drink at least two glasses of milk per day.
Children 4 to 8 years old can have 2.5 cups of milk or other dairy alternatives.
For more information about the importance of milk for children, you can visit our website.