The importance of milk and its derivatives for the health of the colon and the prevention of its diseases
The importance of a healthy and balanced diet is to maintain the health of all internal and external organs of the human body, and each part of our body has certain characteristics, and therefore foods that benefit them as a whole must be added. If we talk about the human digestive system, we must first talk about its most sensitive part, which is the colon.
The colon is part of the alimentary canal, known as the large intestine. It connects with the small intestine and extends to the rectum. It consists of five main parts: ascending colon, descending colon, transverse colon, sigmoid colon, and caecum. The length of the large intestine is about 1.5 m. Colon Functions There are several functions of the colon, which are as follows: Absorption of water and salts from food residues. Digestion of a small portion of food. Analysis of the organic matter contained in the waste. Elimination of body waste.
Causes of colon disorders and the symptoms resulting from them
There are many reasons that lead to a defect in the functioning of the colon, including:
Eating unhealthy food.
Exposure to constant psychological pressure.
Allergy to some types of medicines.
Excessive smoking.
Infection with diseases of the immune system.
Infection and inflammation.
These things result in certain unpleasant symptoms, the most important of which are: gas. Abdominal pain. Anorexia. inability to sleep breathing difficulties. holding. high body temperature; Diarrhea. Weight loss. burp. Stool color change. Presence of mucus with stool. nausea. Depression. Abdominal sounds. Bladder pain during urination.
On the other hand, some have what is known as inducing risk factors for irritable bowel disease, including:
Women, as they are considered the most vulnerable to infection, due to hormonal changes, especially during menstruation.
People aged 14-40 years.
If the family has a history of irritable bowel syndrome.
People suffering from stress and anxiety situations.
The role of milk in maintaining colon health
According to studies, people who follow a diet rich in dairy products, especially low-fat, have fewer colon cancer cells than those who follow a traditional diet.
The protective effect of milk and its derivatives is partly due to its calcium content. The same studies have indicated that casein and lactose in milk may also increase the bioavailability of calcium. But many other ingredients in dairy products, such as vitamin D, butyric acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) play a role in protecting against colon cancer.
As for those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and have difficulty dealing with lactose acid found in dairy products, it may be better to replace milk with yoghurt, because it contains beneficial bacteria for the colon.
Milk also contains some fats that cause disorders in the intestines, so you should drink skimmed milk. Some patients with irritable colon have difficulty dealing with lactose acid found in dairy products. However, there are some patients who are comfortable with eating yogurt, but beware of cheese and milk.
For more information The importance of milk, you can visit our website.